Big Idea 5.3 Computing Bias

From the activities, I gathered a lot of important information regarding the state of bias within computing and computer programs. Wether it is the bias for more news within Facebook favored for the older generation, or the content within Tiktok favored for the younger generation, biases in which content or information is served to you vary greatly. In addition, some biases may be such as the example with the facial recognition software, not being able to recognize some skin tones better than others. This may be due to the developers not using enough testing information, or having a flawed algorithm. This can be fixed using crowdsourcing

Big Idea 5.4 Crowdsourcing

Our entire project is based off of crowdsourcing, as we are collecting information from users for every part of our project. For logging in and signing up we are retrieving the users full names, MySchedules will be collecting user schedules, MyClasses will be getting user reviews of classes, and MyGPA (being the best example) collects user GPAs and compares them to all the other collected GPAs and calculates different statistics. To achieve our Crowdsourcing goals, we could ask every student in APCSP to sign up for or program and fill out all the different applications according to their own schedules, GPA, or class reviews.