Quiz blog


  • Quiz about the Windows OS
  • Windows related background
  • Ask user if they are ready
  • Give feedback on correct or not
  • Create a function to wait for event and move page
  • Create a function to use for all questions (I didn’t end up doing this)



Define a function to streamline the process of scripting the quiz. By creating the buttonAction function, I am effectively able to turn a total of 3 lines of code into just 1.


I was able to follow my plan about how the quiz will be layed out, and was also able to create a function to simplify the process of moving through pages using the buttons on the screen. I was able to test this program by running through the entire quiz multiple times, and verifying that everything was correct and was running the way it was supposed to.


I was not able to come up with an easy way to make a function for each of the questions without going into object oriented program, and as JS is not an object oriented programing language, I was not able to do this.