
Unit 2 - Binary/Data Terms

Bits - Most basic unit of info in computing.

Bytes - Unit of info in computing consisting of 8 bits.

Hexadecimal - A way of representing data using 16 symbols.

Nibbles - Half of a byte, 4 bits.

Unsigned Integer - A number that doesn’t have a [+] or [-] sign assigned to it. However, it will always be non-negative.

Signed Integer - A number that has a [+] or [-] sign assigned to it. It can be negative or positive.

Floating Point - A positive or negative integer with a decimal point.

Boolean - A value that is either true or false.

ASCII - stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, and includes all printable characters in computing.

Unicode - A universal standard for the encoding, representation, and handling of text.

RGB - Stands for Red Green Blue and is used as a representation of color

Lossy - Short for lossy compression, a data compression approach that results in loss or change of data.

Lossless (not discussed yet) - Short for losless compression, a data compression approach that allows for no loss or change in data.

Unit 3 - Algorithm/Programming Terms

Variables - A storage of data within a programming language.

Data Types - Represents different types of data, such as integers, strings, booleans, floats, and many more.

Assignment Operators - Assigns a value to a variable.

Lists - A data type that contains some amount of values.

2D Lists - Multiple lists within one list, creating almost a sort of visualized 2d rectangle.

Dictionaries - An array or map that stores an abstraction of key, value pairs.

Class - An object in a programming language with multiple attributes assigned to it.

Algorithms - A sequence of instructions to perform a task.

Sequence - A sequence is a set of commands to be carried out in the order they are given.

Selection - Grabbing a value from a list, string, or any other data type.

Iteration - Going through each index in a list, string, or any other data type.

Expressions - A combination of functions or variables that returns a value.

Comparison Operators - Opperators that allow us to compare 2 or more variables to each other.

Booleans Expressions and Selection - Expressions involving selection and comparisons, resulting in a true or false output.

Booleans Expressions and Iteration - Expressions involving an iteration through a list or any other data type resulting in a true or false output.

Truth Tables - A logical table to compare binary based on logical operations.

Characters - Each individual letter in a string.

Strings - A combination of characters.

Length - The length in chracters or items of a string or list.

Concatenation - Combining multiple strings together.

Upper - Converting a string to all uppercase.

Lower - Converting a string to all lowercase.

Traversing Strings - Selecting all elements of as string one after another.

Python If - if condition: An expression for if a condition is true or false.

Elif - elif condition: An expression for if a condition is true or false AFTER a condition has been false.

Else conditionals - else: An expression for if a condition is true or false if no other if statements or elif statements have been true.

Nested Selection Statements - Multiple statements within each other.

Python For - for condition: For the time that the condition is true, do things inside of the loop.

While loops with Range - while var comparison range(string): While the condition is true, do things inside of the loop.

While loops with List - while var comparison range(list): While the condition is true, do things inside of the loop.

Combining loops with conditionals to Break, Continue - Continue past the loop if condition is met, stop the loop if the condition is met.

Procedural Abstraction - When you know what a procedure or method will du but don’t know how it does it.

Python Def procedures - def function(parameters): A function defined in python.

Parameters - Arguments that are passed into a function.

Return Values - return value A variable that is returned from a function.