
Methods and Control Structures FRQ (2022)

FRQ 1 (Total Score 9/9) This question involves simulation of the play and scoring of a single-player video game. In the game, a player attempts to complete three levels. A level in the game is repr...

U1 Java Primitive Data Types

Overview College Board Unit 1 has a focus on primitive types of int, double, and boolean. In Unit 1, String is mentioned, but it is NOT a primitive type. A String is essentially a sequence of cha...

Snake Game PBL

Snake score: 0 Welcome to Snake, press space to begin new game settings Game O...

Java Console Games

Java Kernel for Jupyter Notebooks. Install Java kernel readme. Java will require an independent kernel in Jupyter Notebooks. The instruction performed by the Teacher follows, but look to readm...

Java Hello

Hello, World! This article shows the basic language structures and constructs of Java (aka anatomy). In async order, it is critical to understand these examples and learn vocab for OOP and Creatin...

VSCode Github Pages

Create your own GitHub Pages Project Make you own project from GitHub Pages Student Repo. Fork a GitHub Pages Repository Goto GitHub student and run Fork. Reference: Fork a repo Star...

Build A Project

Calculator Click the buttons to enter their respective functions. An eval is ran on the string in the calculator screen when the equals button is pressed. This gives us the output of the mathemati...

Javascript Output Objects

JavaScript and Jupyter references JavaScript is the most important language you need to learn as a frontend developer. Jupyter Notebooks is a convenient way to learn portions of the language wi...

Javascript Output jQuery

Markdown Table Google markdown cheat sheet and it lead you to an outline for how to make a table. Make Model Year Color Price Ford ...

Linux Shell

Bash Tutorial A brief overview of Bash, on your way to becoming a Linux expert. When a computer boots up, a kernel (MacOS, Windows, Linux) is started. This kernel provides a shell, or terminal...