
Individual Review

Exceptional achievement I did not get a 93% or higher last trimester, but this was due to a low score on the N@TM assignment. I asked for late credit on this assignment, and was told I would get i...

Lab Notebook Week 2

Time to get serious After this first week in APCSA, things have really started to get interesting. We have to learn Java, a programming language that I’ve never used before. It will be a great lear...

Lab Notebook Week 1

Time to get serious After this first week in APCSA, things have really started to get interesting. We have to learn Java, a programming language that I’ve never used before. It will be a great lear...

Lab Notebook Week 0

Welcome to CSA! First day in APCSA! I’m excited to learn more about computer science and programming and hopefully I am able to apply the things I learn to the next USACO competition in December. ...

Getting Started

Prerequisites Follow the instructions in the Jekyll Docs to complete the installation of the basic environment. Git also needs to be installed. Installation Creating a New Site There are two wa...

Text and Typography

This post is to show Markdown syntax rendering on Chirpy, you can also use it as an example of writing. Now, let’s start looking at text and typography. Headings H1 - heading H2 - heading H3 - ...

RDS Setup

RDS Setup 0. What is RDS? What can we use RDS for? Amazon’s RDS (Relational Database Service) “is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the AWS ...

Array Lesson

6.1 - Intro to Arrays Arrays are used to store one type of data, whether it is a primitive or reference data type. Arrays themselves are reference types. They are best thought of as a list of item...

Unit 7 Lesson

Unit 7: ArrayList Mastering the concept of Java’s ArrayList. AP Exam weighting: 2.5-7.5%. 7.1: ArrayList Intro ArrayLists are dynamic, meaning their size can grow or shrink as needed, but ...


Insertion Sort Insertion Sort is probably the simplest of all sorting algorithms, and the most intuitive. We select a value and compare it to other values until it’s properly sorted. This means we ...