Home Individual Review

Individual Review

Exceptional achievement

I did not get a 93% or higher last trimester, but this was due to a low score on the N@TM assignment. I asked for late credit on this assignment, and was told I would get it, but it was never given to me. With a 76% or higher on that assignment, I am above a 93, and I think I deserve the late credit, pushing me past the 93% mark.

Individual Progress

I have individually been making progress on AP material, and this can be seen from my FRQ writeups:





I have also been going through the AP College Board Videos, as well as reviewing the previous lessons about AP topics from the class.

Taking a look at my key commits, here are a few commits regarding the stock database:

haha fixed!

stockDetailsService has errors

stock stats endpoint

Lets take a look at my github analytics as well:

GitHub Analytics

GitHub Analytics 2

GitHub Pages Blog

As can be seen above, my blog is complete and well made. I also been going around to get feedback on my FRQs with my team members to solicit feedback and improve my work.

Project Work

Refer to the commits, github key commits, and analytics for proof of my work on the project.

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