Home Girls in CS Panel - College CS

Girls in CS Panel - College CS


A lot of uses for CS later in college/career!

Even if not in CS major, there are STILL uses for CS

A lot of good internship opportunities (Northrop, Viasat, Codeninjas)

CSP/CSA translates very well to college

College app process

UCSD CS major is very lottery based, so Collin applied to other majors (so did Mabel)

  • Look for opportunities like Data Science/Cognitive Science/ML/AI
  • connect with professors and get involved in research before applying

More you do in CS higher chance of getting in

Explain why your projects matter

Cold email professors, ask for research opportunities

Show that your passion really matters

Building interest in CS

Do projects that you’re interested in OUTSIDE of school

Show these college professors/companies how you are better than others

Start off building something small, then move up to bigger projects based off of smaller projects

Deploy your projects publicly, shows people what you’ve done and what you are capable of

One thing to say that you can do it, another thing to SHOW how you can do it


Build off of your interest companies/colleges projects

Write up in a DETAILED way what you did, shows that you really care about the company/college

Do something you enjoy

leetcode lmfao - less of a time commitment than whole projects, also trains and gets you ready for CS interviews

Tristan’s secret sauce



Create personal website, put this EVERYWHERE

tailwind CSS



Throughout the panel, the biggest takeaway I had was that CS opportunities and jobs are hard. However, there are many things that we can do in order to greater our chances of getting into a good college or getting a good job. One of the biggest things that I learned was that we should do projects that we are interested in, especially projects that modify existing projects from companies or colleges that you are interested in. This not only improves or knowledge of coding and CS, but also shows these colleges and companies that you are truly invested. When you do get into the internship or college that you are interested however, things get much more straightforward. You should do as much as you can to contribute to your project and show your employers that you care. This way, not only will you get a good recommendation in the future, but also helps you to get return offers that you can leverage to get future opportunities. Overall, I learned a lot about how to get into college and how to get a job in CS, and I hope to use this knowledge in the future.

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